Using Drush Automatically with Grunt

By Kevin , February 4th, 2015

Ever find yourself working on a Drupal theme and unable to figure out why templates aren’t recognized, CSS isn’t changing, or JS is still acting funky only to realize you haven’t done something as simple as clear cache? We all have. Fortunately, we can do this automatically via Grunt.

I can’t count how many times I have been defining a custom entity, adding/changing javascript, doing theme work or adding .inc files to Drupal and forgetting to clear the cache so files and aggregates are regenerated to reflect the changes. It’s one of those tedious tasks that gets so repetative it is easy to forget to do it. Lucky for us, Grunt is built to handle such tasks for us.

In this example, I am going to have Grunt clear the theme registry and css/js aggregates for me automatically as I work. Your workflow is likely different than mine; I use Zurb Foundation exclusively (which I am co-maintainer of). It acts as the base theme, with easy commands to generate a subtheme.

I also assume you are familiar at least with how to install node modules, Grunt, and how to get Grunt setup in a theme project. Zurb Foundation comes with it’s own Gruntfiles that you can modify to your liking.

To make the most out of this, you will need the following Grunt plugins along with the Grunt Drush plugin:

  • grunt-contrib-watch
  • grunt-sass
  • node-sass
  • node-bourbon

The Sass plugins aren’t technically required - but if you are using the Foundation theme, they are. The Sass preprocessor generates compiled CSS for you and this lets us take better advantage of caching and Drush.

Get the Grunt Drush plugin

Firstly, there is a generic Drush Grunt plugin that we are going to need to communicate to Drush. You can install that to your project by adding it to the package.json file and running npm update ("grunt-drush": "*") or, with this command in your subtheme directory:

npm install grunt-drush --save-dev

This command will also add it to your package.json for you.

Define your Drush configuration

As with most Grunt plugins, we need to add some configuration and hook up our task in the Gruntfile. The Grunt Drush plugin is pretty straightforward, and has two parameters: args and dest. Args is an array that takes a Drush command and arguments to pass to Drush. Dest points it to a path if required. In this example, I don’t need to make use of Dest.

drush: {
  cc_theme_registry: {
    args: ['cc', 'theme-registry']
  cc_css_js: {
    args: ['cc', 'css-js']

Here, I basically defined two custom tasks. One to clear the theme registry, another to clear the css/js cache. I can call either one at-will and instruct Grunt exactly when I want them executed.

Adding to the watcher

Now that we have defined our basic Drush config, we can leverage watch and start telling Grunt when we want to execute the tasks. Below, I have added drush:cc_css_js to be executed whenever the Sass tasks executes. This will clear css/js cache after CSS files have been updated.

I am also defining my own watcher, templates, which tells the watch task to look for changes in the templates directory for any file matching (filename).tpl.php. When new files are added, changed, or deleted, the theme registry is cleared to reflect those changes.

watch: {
  grunt: { files: ['Gruntfile.js'] },

  sass: {
    files: '<%= global_vars.theme_scss %>/**/*.scss',
    tasks: ['sass', 'drush:cc_css_js'],
    options: {
      livereload: true

  templates: {
    files: 'templates/*.tpl.php',
    tasks: ['drush:cc_theme_registry']

This leaves us with the ability to leave page caching, CSS and JS aggregation on in our Drupal site for local development. Anytime we make changes to SCSS or template files, Grunt will trigger Drush to clear the applicable cache.

Extra example

How about clearing the registry when we add a new inc file, new class definition, or update a module .info file? Add a new task to the Drush config:

drush: {
  cc_theme_registry: {
    args: ['cc', 'theme-registry']
  cc_css_js: {
    args: ['cc', 'css-js']
  cc_registry: {
    args: ['cc', 'registry']

And in the Gruntfile.js:

watch: {
  grunt: { files: ['Gruntfile.js'] },

  sass: {
    files: '<%= global_vars.theme_scss %>/**/*.scss',
    tasks: ['sass', 'drush:cc_css_js'],
    options: {
      livereload: true

  templates: {
    files: 'templates/*.tpl.php',
    tasks: ['drush:cc_theme_registry']

  includes: {
    files: ['/sites/all/modules/custom/**/*.inc', '/sites/all/modules/custom/**/*.info'],
    tasks: ['drush:cc_registry'],

This would clear the Drupal registry when inc files are added or modified in custom Drupal modules, same for the module .info file. This may be a little heavy handed, but it does illustrate what you can do with Drush and Grunt.

Full Gruntfile.js example

module.exports = function(grunt) {

  var theme_name = 'YOUR_SUBTHEME_NAME';
  var base_theme_path = '../zurb_foundation';

  var global_vars = {
    theme_name: theme_name,
    theme_css: 'css',
    theme_scss: 'scss',
    base_theme_path: base_theme_path

  var bourbon = require('node-bourbon').includePaths;

    global_vars: global_vars,
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

    sass: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          outputStyle: 'compressed',
          includePaths: ['<%= global_vars.theme_scss %>', '<%= global_vars.base_theme_path %>/scss/'].concat(bourbon)
        files: {
          '<%= global_vars.theme_css %>/<%= global_vars.theme_name %>.css': '<%= global_vars.theme_scss %>/<%= global_vars.theme_name %>.scss'

    drush: {
      cc_theme_registry: {
        args: ['cc', 'theme-registry']
      cc_css_js: {
        args: ['cc', 'css-js']

    watch: {
      grunt: { files: ['Gruntfile.js'] },

      sass: {
        files: '<%= global_vars.theme_scss %>/**/*.scss',
        tasks: ['sass', 'drush:cc_css_js'],
        options: {
          livereload: true

      templates: {
        files: 'templates/*.tpl.php',
        tasks: ['drush:cc_theme_registry']

  grunt.registerTask('build', ['sass']);
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['build', 'watch']);
