More scraping magic with Ruby: UTF-8 and XPath

By Kevin , June 26th, 2014

What? Thought we were done? There are still things left to learn here. There are always things to learn.

In Nokogiri, the css method is simple, straightforward, and familiar if you have a background in jQuery. But, if you have multiple elements on the page to select, suddenly that method is lacking in power. We need to be able to select multiples of anything, anywhere in the DOM. This is where XPath comes in, and is much more efficient than the css selector.

This time, we also have more pesky non UTF-8 characters floating around causing us trouble. Taking the skills we had from the previous post, let’s break it down and get XPath to do a lot of the heavy lifting.

Assume we need to migrate a static page of testimonials, and there are a couple dozen similar pages with testimonials we need to migrate too. These were copied and pasted in with MS Word and other editors, resulting in bad character encoding. On the upside, each testimonial was wrapped in the same HTML markup that we can easily target. Here is an example:

<li class="clearfix">
        <h2 class="resident_name">Test User</h2>
        <h3 class="resident_comm">Charlestown Resident</h3>
        <a class="popVideo" href="">
        <img src="/images/testimonials/Test-User.jpg" alt="Test User"/>
    <section class="clearfix">
    <p>You always have the freedom to drive anywhere you want to and keep up with the clubs that you’ve kept up with before."</p>
    <a class="testimonialLink popVideo" href="">Watch the video</a>

Not bad. It certainly helps that the li has a class on it. No matter how many there are in each file, we can pick them out easily. This time, we are going to use XPath. XPath will let us use a DOM selector that matches all nodes against the criteria, with some cool tricks in between.

All we need to do is, like before, recursively parse our directory for testimonials, get all of them on the page, and put them into an array for CSV exporting.

# this is the main logic that recursively searches from the current directory down, and parses the ASP files.
def parse_asp_files
  Find.find(Dir.getwd) do |file|
    if ! file and File.extname(file) == '.asp'
      # exclude and skip if in a bad directory
      # we may be on an asp file, but some we just do not want
      current =

      if not current.match(/(testimonial)/)

      # open file, pluck content out by its element(s)
      page = Nokogiri::HTML(open(file), nil, 'utf-8');

      page.xpath('//li[\@class="clearfix"]').map do |item|
        title = item.at_xpath('.//h2').text.strip
        video = item.at_xpath('.//a[\@class="popVideo"]')['href']
        tagline = item.at_xpath('.//section/p').text.strip
        image = item.at_xpath('.//img')['src']

        $count += 1
        puts "Processing " + tagline

        # insert into array
        data = {
          'key' => $count,
          'title' => title,
          'video' => video,
          'image' => image,
          'tagline' => tagline,

        $pages.push data


Nothing to it! You may notice there is a numeric key field added this time. If you are doing additional data massaging in Google Sheets, you can maintain lookup tables in a new spreadsheet so you can adjust data or add more, while locking the source data rows. This is handy when you may have to replace the original CSV multiple times as you get the export correct.

So what’s occurring?

page.xpath('//li[@class="clearfix"]').map do |item|

This says, hey Nokogiri, for the page object, return all list items with a class of ‘clearfix’ on them - and lets map and iterate over them.

title = item.at_xpath('.//h2').text.strip
video = item.at_xpath('.//a[@class="popVideo"]')['href']
tagline = item.at_xpath('.//section/p').text.strip
image = item.at_xpath('.//img')['src']

Once we are inside the loop, item is the current list item we are working with. We can then use local xpath expressions with Nokogiri’s at_xpath method - the .// selector tells XPath to look at the current level down, whereas just // would search the entire document (and produce incorrect results).

For some elements, we don’t want their raw text value. For instance, the video link, we just want to preserve the Vimeo URL. You can dereference the attribute with the XPath selector inline item.at_xpath('.//a[@class="popVideo"]')['href'], so we only retain the URL value.


Yeah. On occasion, non standard characters will worm their way through your best filtering defenses. If you notice, I threw two extra arguments on to the Nokogiri::HTML constructor. utf-8 tells Nokogiri to parse the document as UTF-8 encoding.

After that, you can do some extra text filtering like so:

def clean_text(text)
  text.gsub!(/(\r)?\n/, "
"); text.gsub!(/\s+/, ' '); # extra muscle, clean up crappy HTML tags and specify what attributes are allowed text = Sanitize.clean(text, :elements => ['h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'p', 'a', 'b', 'strong', 'em', 'img', 'iframe'], :attributes => { 'a' => ['href', 'title', 'name'], 'img' => ['src', 'title', 'alt'], 'iframe' => ['src', 'url', 'class', 'id', 'width', 'height', 'name'], }, :protocols => { 'a' => { 'href' => ['http', 'https', 'mailto'] }, 'iframe' => { 'src' => ['http', 'https'] } }) # clean start and end whitespace text = text.strip; fallback = { 'Š'=>'S', 'š'=>'s', 'Ð'=>'Dj','Ž'=>'Z', 'ž'=>'z', 'À'=>'A', 'Á'=>'A', 'Â'=>'A', 'Ã'=>'A', 'Ä'=>'A', 'Å'=>'A', 'Æ'=>'A', 'Ç'=>'C', 'È'=>'E', 'É'=>'E', 'Ê'=>'E', 'Ë'=>'E', 'Ì'=>'I', 'Í'=>'I', 'Î'=>'I', 'Ï'=>'I', 'Ñ'=>'N', 'Ò'=>'O', 'Ó'=>'O', 'Ô'=>'O', 'Õ'=>'O', 'Ö'=>'O', 'Ø'=>'O', 'Ù'=>'U', 'Ú'=>'U', 'Û'=>'U', 'Ü'=>'U', 'Ý'=>'Y', 'Þ'=>'B', 'ß'=>'Ss','à'=>'a', 'á'=>'a', 'â'=>'a', 'ã'=>'a', 'ä'=>'a', 'å'=>'a', 'æ'=>'a', 'ç'=>'c', 'è'=>'e', 'é'=>'e', 'ê'=>'e', 'ë'=>'e', 'ì'=>'i', 'í'=>'i', 'î'=>'i', 'ï'=>'i', 'ð'=>'o', 'ñ'=>'n', 'ò'=>'o', 'ó'=>'o', 'ô'=>'o', 'õ'=>'o', 'ö'=>'o', 'ø'=>'o', 'ù'=>'u', 'ú'=>'u', 'û'=>'u', 'ý'=>'y', 'ý'=>'y', 'þ'=>'b', 'ÿ'=>'y', 'ƒ'=>'f', '’' => '', '…' => '...', '”" => '"', '“' => '"', '—' => '-' } return text.encode('utf-8', :fallback => fallback) end

An improvement from before - clean_text has a fallback table of characters to replace if not found.

Again, Ruby & Nokogiri prove to be a powerful team when it comes to scraping content. This is by far my preferred way of migrating static sites. I have used it for CSV’s and Markdown files, as well as ASP and HTML files for moving into dynamic CMS systems. It is exceptionally more efficient at handling strings and manipulating them with PHP - and with Ruby you can certainly do more with less.
