
By Kevin, January 8th, 2016

Out with the Old

I usually don’t do these sorts of posts, you know, ones where you reflect on the year behind you. That’s probably because for many years, simply getting through them was a slog and left me feeling exhausted, unaccomplished, and dreading the road...

By Kevin, February 4th, 2015

Ever find yourself working on a Drupal theme and unable to figure out why templates aren’t recognized, CSS isn’t changing, or JS is still acting funky only to realize you haven’t done something as simple as clear cache? We all have. Fortunately, we can do this automatically via Grunt.



By Kevin, June 26th, 2014

What? Thought we were done? There are still things left to learn here. There are always things to learn.

In Nokogiri, the css method is simple, straightforward, and familiar if you have a background in jQuery. But, if you have multiple elements on the page to select,...
